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Poker Sites I Recommend

  • Absolute Poker
    Absolute Poker
  • Classic Poker
    Use Bonus Code wannabe for a 25% deposit bonus up to $100.
  • Empire Poker
  • InterPoker
  • PartyPoker
  • PokerPlex
  • Ultimate Bet
  • William Hill
    Play now at the William Hill Casino

« 7/5/2005 - More Holiday Madness | Main | 7/11/2005 - End of an Era »



Go Eric. You've obviously wanted to move out there since I met you, so I'm glad you're going for it. I'm looking forward to reading about the wsop side games too.


good luck eric. looks like we're both moving on from austin at the same time, but in very different ways. hopefully, i'll be able to get out there to visit you sometime in the near future. keep us updated.


Good luck to both Eric's! Our talent pool is slowly dwindling. Hopefully I'll be much better the next time we play. You're going to have to change your blog title now. I suggest PokerGonnabe!


Good luck to both Eric's! Our talent pool is slowly dwindling. Hopefully I'll be much better the next time we play. You're going to have to change your blog title now. I suggest PokerGonnabe!


visitors are always welcome!

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