I leave for the city of Angels (and smog) later today. Three of us are going for the weekend and we plan on taking full advantage of all the different kinds of activities available in a huge city right off the beach in southern California by sitting around and playing poker in the Commerce round the clock.
I mean, what else could we possible want to do?
Full trip report when I return, of course.
kick butt, eric. thanks for inviting me. ;)
i want to hear all about the 40/80 pots that were capped on all streets. flopping sets is fun.
Posted by: Evan | June 24, 2005 at 02:25
Didn't I invite you? I remember telling you about the trip last month.
I think I hit about four sets all trip, and only two did I get any action. I still wanna know why every time I raise preflop with, say, 55 and the flop comes AK5 I get no action. But if the flop comes AK4, suddenly everyone has an A or a K and won't fold...
Anyways, trip report coming.
Posted by: pokerwannabe | June 27, 2005 at 00:28
Poker is very interesting game to play and good entertainment and time pass. My best wishes to enjoy the week end very happily.
Posted by: brook | October 28, 2008 at 03:46