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  • William Hill
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« 6/19/2005 - From Penthouse to Outhouse, back to Penthouse, to House Being Blown to Smithereens (and definitely no more braggin') | Main | 6/28/2005 - LA »



kick butt, eric. thanks for inviting me. ;)

i want to hear all about the 40/80 pots that were capped on all streets. flopping sets is fun.


Didn't I invite you? I remember telling you about the trip last month.

I think I hit about four sets all trip, and only two did I get any action. I still wanna know why every time I raise preflop with, say, 55 and the flop comes AK5 I get no action. But if the flop comes AK4, suddenly everyone has an A or a K and won't fold...

Anyways, trip report coming.


Poker is very interesting game to play and good entertainment and time pass. My best wishes to enjoy the week end very happily.

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