She doesn't look a day over 120. That's seriously old. I mean, she was hittable in the 19th century. I've taken notice of the "oldest person alive" articles recently, and if there's one thing I can tell you it's this: the oldest person in the world does not hold that title for very long. If there's a second thing I can tell you it's this: the people who claim to be so much older than previously recorded (before this woman, the previous record was 122, then 121, then 120, etc) have all found to be false. This one is borderline, so maybe it's true...but heck, her age could be fudged by 15 years and who could tell? has added a new tool which is guaranteed to completely kill my productivity for a few days. I mean, wow. For a complete baseball geek like myself, having a tool like that just defies description. I can probably count on one hand the things I'd rather be doing right now than playing around with it. Just to let you know how immensely cool I think it is: none of those things I'd rather be doing is poker. I mean wow.
I'm such a geek.