So I found this post by Tony on "How to Blog."
It's a very good read. I won't bore everyone by going through all 30 items one by one, but I did adminster a little "self-test" to see how I was doing. I passed most, didn't pass some. Yes, I was extremely bored.
What I found funny was this:
5. dont tell your mom, your work, your friends, the people you want to date, or the people you want to work for about your blog. if they find out and you'd rather they didnt read it, ask them nicely to grant you your privacy.
13. if you havent written about sex, religion, and politics in a week youre probably playing it too safe, which means you probably fucked up on #5, in which case start a second blog and keep your big mouth shut about it this time.
Well, yes, #5 was one of those that I failed, but that hasn't been what's keeping me from talking about sex, religion or politics pretty much ever. Mostly, what's kept me from talking about them is the fact that 1) There is depressingly little sex going on in my life right now, and 2) I absolutely despise politics and religion.
"1" is pretty much self explanatory (and believe me, if it changes, it'll be obvious), but "2" might need a little more explanation. Or maybe it doesn't, but what the hell, I'm bored, I'll explain anyways.
I hate politics. I hate that people get so polarized and emotionally wrapped up in what is essentially bullshit fed to them by rich suits with their own selfish agenda on their mind.
I don't like Bush. But then I didn't like Kerry either. If Bush was 72 offsuit, Kerry was 73 offsuit. (Nader was 54 suited....a tempting hand for some that just ends up costing a lot in the long run).
Ugh, but then I hate even discussing it. You have my promise--this is the extent to which I'll ever, ever, ever talk about politics on this blog.
Religion is even worse. Reading Paul Phillips' webjournal, I found a term that appropriately sums up my thoughts. Apatheist. I was raised Christian or Catholic or some such. I then went through a period of Agnosticism, and then somewhere around 4th grade I realized that it was all BS and became an Atheist. And an Atheist I was (and I guess still am deep down) until recently, when I really just stopped caring and wished everyone would just shut up on the matter.
Unfortunately, discussions about religion or politics are not always avoidable, and so when I'm drawn into one I usually approach it completely tongue-in-cheek. I'll play devil's advocate, always apparently supporting a position that I know will piss the other guy off. My roommate, for example, is big on politics and hugely anti-Bush. Believe me, he hears nothing but pro-Bush sentiments from me.
My only problem is when talking with an atheist. The arguments for religion are so ridiculously illogical and, for lack of a better term, stupid, that I can't even keep a straight face when I say stuff like "Don't question the will of God," or "You'll go to Hell for believing that!" I mean, really, there aren't many other arguments out there than those, besides the fallacious "tornado making an airplane" arguments and various manifestations thereof (I always liked how people enjoy pointing out the unlikelihood--if that's a word--of life evolving by chance, but don't want to apply the same analysis to the liklihood of some cosmic, omnipotent being having always existed; as if that's more likely).
But anyways, now that I've alienated half the people who read this, I can only promise to never, ever, ever directly discuss religion or politics again. This is a poker/baseball/I-have-no-life blog, and that it will remain.
And believe me, I wish I could be talking more about sex.