So I was on my way to the gym last night, walking, when I hear someone yell from a passing car,
"Your life has no meaning and I hope you rot in hell!"
Well, geez, I thought, that first part may be true but you don't have to be so mean about it. But as it turned out the comment wasn't directed at me, but at a fairly large middle-aged man who was in the process of writing up a parking ticket for a nearby illegally parked car.
Now, I have to admit thinking similar thoughts whenever I see someone else getting a parking ticket, or (more often) when I'm on the receiving end of a parking ticket. That's not an opinion I'd actually voice to the Parking Ticket Guy's face, however. Especially when the guy is large and when the vehicle you are in is approximately 20 feet from a stop sign, one that has a line of cars already waiting.
So, yes, after the front seat passenger yelled his comment, just to make things interesting, the driver was then forced to go about 10 feet and stop, thereby allowing Parking Ticket Guy to come running up next to the vehicle and voice his own loud opinion to the kid in the passenger seat.
Unfortunately I couldn't make out what was said--despite being quite loud, it was very deep and garbled--but I imagine it wasn't along the lines of "Thanks for your opinion, I'll take it under consideration."
It was a tense moment. I was half expecting the door to open and have large Parking Ticket Guy facing down two or three Asshole College Kids. However, the vehicle just kept going, and Parking Ticket Guy stood there in the middle of the street and...made a note of the license plate.
I'd hate to be the owner of that car. I'm sure if Parking Ticket Guy ever runs across the vehicle again, he's getting a ticket if he so much as parks slightly off-center.
But overall, it made for an entertaining 30 seconds.