Despite not winning a single dollar (more or less) over nearly the last two weeks of the month, February ended up as my second most profitable month ever. The month started off great--I had my "winningest single day" on Feb 6--and kept getting better until the middle of the month when I had my "best weekend of all time" (surpassing some months in itself). Since then, it's been a yo-yo ride, up, down, up, down, up, down but going nowhere.
I continue to play mostly 5/10 six-max with some 3/6 SH and 3/6 and 5/10 full thrown in at the various sites I'm bonus whoring depending on game conditions and availability. And for the past couple weeks the results have been the same at all sites: I can't go on a sustained winning streak for the life of me. I've tried everything--I started listening to music, I removed the avatars from the tables, I went to a four-color deck, I played six tables, I played four tables, I bought an ergonomic chair, I stopped listening to music. I really dunno. It's all the avatars, damnit. I took them off and beginning immediately from that first session I haven't won a damn thing.
Even if I start winning again, I forsee changes on the horizon. Namely: more live tournaments. To consistently win at poker one has to stay fresh and alert. Doing the same thing over and over and over again is not a good way to accomplish said state, however. I get the feeling that I'm getting a little numb with the whole online limit scene, and so I'm hoping to branch out a bit. Chris has mentioned that online triple-draw is a good game. Maybe I should try that.
Finally: don't forget to get your bets in for the next pope. You know you're getting old when people are already betting on who your successor will be.
Branch out. Try new games. Try triple draw. Read Daniel's section in Super System 2 first.
Also, don't aim for long winning streaks. Just win slowly and consistently. That's my advice, anyway.
Posted by: Chris | March 03, 2005 at 04:22
Is SS2 worth the money overall?
I don't aim for winning streaks; I try to aim just to play every hand as best as I can. The problem is just that recently, that has resulted in 0 sustained winning streaks.
It happens though. I remember in September I went all month and broke even with my play (thanks to bonuses and such I was able to show a small profit for the month, however). In general, though, I've won online at a pretty consistent rate in proportion to my hours and limits since June, so I can only assume I'll get back on track at some point.
Posted by: pokerwannabe | March 03, 2005 at 13:13