It's Friday, and once again there are thousands of players on Empire ready to hand me their money during the weekend, but once again I am eschewing the online waters for some live-game action.
As reported earlier in the week, last weekend I won some BS little rebuy tournament at the Harrah's in Lake Charles, LA, which entered me into their month-end WSOP qualifying tournament this weekend. Top prize for this upcoming tournament is an entry into the WSOP plus about $2500 in cash, or just $12500 in cash. Were I to win, I'd of course take the cash. If I really want to play in the WSOP, I can always use the money and buy in at that time.
I still have a few bonuses to hit before the end of the month, and since I leave for LC early Saturday morning, I'm going to have to cram a lot of hands in tonight. After an absolutely torrid last month and a half, I've hit a bit of a lull in my online play recently, winning not much at all over the last 5000 hands or so. My last 2500 hands, in fact, I've lost about $60. Puting in lots of hours for no money is not fun at all, let me tell you. Oh well, there are certainly worse runs I could be having.
My hopes for this weekend are to place in the money in the tournament (top ten pay out, with a very top-heavy payout scale) and make a modest win at the cash games. In fact, as long as I make $1 overall, I'll be happy. In poker, I've found keeping one's standards of play high but expectations for results low is the best way to go.
Oh well, that's it. Boring entry today. Hopefully on Monday I'll have some interesting results to report.
PS - To continue with the "this is a poker blog, but here's random baseball stuff as well" trend...There's a great article by John Brattain over at the Hardball Times about MLB owners. Whether you're a fan of the owners or not, the article should help in understanding what owners mean when they say any one of the litany of cliches at their disposal. long again until opening day, so we can concentrate on the game rather than the business? 65?